Inspector Integrity

By Cory Wright

        The purpose of Public Service Inspectors are to protect the public from

dangers. The positions entrusted within should not be a platform for them

to engage in misconduct by participating in bribes. The boundaries of

bribery are explicitly clear and are not open to interpretation. When an

inspector is engaged in an active investigation and they participate in

conduct unbecoming of their sworn oath should both the inspector and the

bribing parties be arrested, indicted, and stripped of their city pensions

and/or ability to ever work in the city again? Absolutely and profoundly


      To be clear, a bribe constitutes money, gifts, and/or employment.

Basically any exchange that can impact the ethical duties of an inspector.

This definition is GLOBALLY accepted.

        If an inspector walks into a facility one day, and walks out with a job

that compensates him substantially more than his inspector position did,

and the active investigation is put on hold and never revisited, it’s my belief

that the public has been cheated of fairness, impartiality, and tax payer

dollars. Millions of tax payers lose while a handful of criminals progress via

misconduct that is unchecked. Inkblot has spoken.

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